MATARAM - Former Director of PT Patuh Patut Patju (Tripat), Lalu Azril Sopandi, who was convicted of corruption in capital investment and replaced the Lombok City Center (LCC) Management Building in 2012-2013, was serving a criminal term at the Class IIA Mataram Prison.

The Head of the Mataram Kejari Yusuf said, Then Azril served a criminal period based on the follow-up to the Supreme Court's Decision Number: 2021 K/Pid.Sus/2021 dated July 29, 2021, which has been signed (with permanent legal force).

"The person concerned (Then Azril Sopandi) has served his sentence in Mataram Prison since the execution on Thursday last week," Yusuf said in Mataram as reported by Antara, Monday, October 4.

In this case, the former director of the West Lombok Regency Regional Owned Enterprise was sentenced to five years in prison and a fine of Rp. 200 million, subsidiary to four months in prison.

The sentence was based on the decision of the Mataram Corruption Court of Justice Number: 10/Pid.Sus-Tpk/2020/PN.Mtr on July 16, 2020. In addition to the crime, then Azril was charged with paying compensation for state losses of Rp.891 million, subsidiary to two years in prison. .

Through this decision, Lalu Azril had time to file an appeal to the Mataram High Court.

However, in its appeal decision numbered 8/PID.TPK/2020/PT.MTR dated September 24, 2020, the panel of appellate judges upheld the decision of the Mataram Tipikor District Court.

It did not stop there, Then Azril again filed a further legal action to the Supreme Court. As a result, the judge rejected his appeal and upheld the decision of the Mataram Corruption Court.

Yusuf said that Lalu Azril in this corruption case had the status of a custodial detainee, starting from the time the case entered the investigation stage until the prosecution process at the Mataram Tipikor District Court.

"Then Azril was placed in custody at the NTB Polda Rutan and continued at the time of prosecution at the Mataram Class IIA Prison. He was held in detention from December 9, 2019 to April 14, 2020," he said.

Then on April 15, 2020, Lalu Azril's detainee status changed to a city prisoner. The transition to his detention status is in accordance with the judge's decision, which considers the trial to be difficult because it is held virtually.

"The city's detention status is carried out until May 12, 2020," he said.

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