JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police will examine Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte as a suspect in the alleged molestation case against Muhammad Kece. However, the examination must wait for approval from the Supreme Court (MA).

"Yes (Inspector General Napoleon will be investigated)," said the Director of Public Crimes at the Criminal Investigation Agency of the National Police Brigadier General Andi Rian Djajadi when confirmed, Monday, October 4.

In the examination plan, not only Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte. The other four suspects will also be questioned.

However, it is not certain when the examination will take place because it is still waiting for approval from the Supreme Court. Investigators have sent an application letter.

"Waiting for the Supreme Court's permission, the application letter has been submitted," Andi said briefly. For information, the Criminal Investigation Department has named five suspects in the case of the persecution of Muhammad Kece. Where, one of them Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte.

The five suspects are all Bareskrim detainees. They included Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte, DH, DW, H, and HP.

Based on the results of the examination, Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte carried out two persecutions of Muhammad Kece. The first was carried out with other suspects and the second was carried out alone.

The beating was carried out by Napoleon Bonaparte in Muhammad Kece's detention cell. He was assisted by four other prisoners.

Meanwhile, the two-star general carried out the persecution alone. The form of persecution is suspected to be related to the smearing of human feces on Muhammad Kece.

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