MEDAN - The practice of extortion (extortion) is still rampant in Medan, North Sumatra. This time, the perpetrators of extortion from slaughter chicken traders in Medan were arrested by the police.

This extortion video in Medan in the name of SPSI was viral on social media. The Medan Baru Police Criminal Investigation Team immediately moved to arrest the perpetrators.

The perpetrator, I Made Dodi, a resident of Medan Polonia, harassed a trader on Jalan Mawar, Sari Rejo.

"The perpetrator on Friday, October 1, 2021, came and asked for SPSI money from Mhd Danto Tarigan (39), a resident of Jalan Karya Darma," said Acting Head of the Medan Baru Police AKP Ully Lubis via the Criminal Investigation Unit Iptu Irwansah Sitorus, Sunday, October 3.

Following up on reports from residents regarding extortion in Medan which went viral, the police arrested the perpetrators of extortion at around 10.30 WIB at his home.

"To the officers, the perpetrator admitted that the viral video was him by asking for SPSI money from a chicken trader in Karang Sari, Medan Polonia," said Iptu Irwansah Sitorus.

In the process, the perpetrator and the victim have reconciled. The perpetrator promised not to repeat his actions.

"We secure the perpetrators 1x24 hours to account for their actions," he said.

The police urges residents who experience or see extortion and thuggery to immediately report to the police station.

"The public can also report through the Police Kita application with call center 110. With this report, we will follow up on the report," the Head of Criminal Investigation Department urged.

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