JAKARTA - Director of Prevention of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Brigadier General Pol R Ahmad Nurwakhid asked the public to be aware of radical and intolerant groups who are trying to infiltrate the younger generation by obscuring the historical facts of the Indonesian nation. Indonesian youths have no pride in their nation," he said in a BNPT press statement received by Antara, Saturday, October 2. The evening of October 1, which was attended by around 40 people from representatives of various levels of society and organizations in Wonosobo. He conveyed radical ideas that had so far slandered religion with actions that were not in accordance with the role models of religious teachings and His books. “Radicalism and extremism in the name of religion is p Aham that is built on manipulation and distortion of religion so that the root of the problem is religion, namely religion that is understood in a deviant way,” explained the former Head of the Banops Special Detachment (Densus) 88/Anti-terror of the National Police. Wonosobo residents get immunity from all exposure to radical notions of terrorism, whether carried out through cyberspace or directly. become sunatullah and become part of the Indonesian nation," he said.

Present at the event was a millennial preacher, Habib Husein Jafar, who also gave advice on how to live in diversity and build tolerance among religious people as a community of a nation. whatever if the imagination is not Indonesia (which is united in diversity) then the problem of division will never end," said Habib Husein. disseminated to other places, especially to youth who have an important role in the future. “The main role lies with youth. Because we will face a demographic bonus in 2030, therefore we need ambassadors from young people to speak to young people with the 'style' of young people, by means of youth communication. The challenge is how to form a young generation who is not only tolerant, but able to spread the value of tolerance to others," he said. On the same occasion, Wonosobo Regent H Afif Nurhidayat also appreciated this event as an ideological vaccination effort for Wonosobo residents from radical viruses and intolerance. who seeks to divide the nation. certainly not. We remain vigilant because at any time the virus can appear. Therefore, the ideological vaccination given by BNPT and Habib Husein, God willing, will provide immunity and herd immunity for the residents of Wonosobo Regency," he said.

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