JAKARTA - The presence of a silver man on Jalan Protocol Semarang is considered very disturbing. In fact, it often annoys road users.
During this year, the Semarang PP City Satpol managed to control 300 silver people. The head of the Semarang City Satpol PP, Fajar Purwoto, said that the control and enforcement refers to the enforcement of Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 5 of 2014.
However, because there are no social places or shelters, Fajar admits that many of them often return to the streets.
During this year, at least 300 silver humans were caught. During the pandemic, the number of homeless beggars and displaced persons (PGOT) increased. And on average they come from outside the city of Semarang.
"Semarang is actually a clean city in Southeast Asia. We are taking strict but humane enforcement of local regulations. Unfortunately, there are no shelters yet, many of them are back on the road," said Fajar, as quoted from the Semarang City Government's official website.
After being caught, PGOT and the silver man were trained at the Satpol PP office. Then asked to sign a statement not to return to the road again. Fajar added that he would coordinate with the Social Service so that they could prepare a place for rehabilitation.
"In the future, the city will coordinate with the Social Service to prepare a place for rehabilitation. Indeed, several times we have met retired silver people, but we emphasize that we are not selective," he explained, Friday, October 1.
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