PALEMBANG - Palembang City Government, South Sumatra, is targeting the restoration of the function of 21 tributaries of the Musi River as water absorption locations to prevent flooding.

Palembang Mayor Harnojoyo said his party would cooperate with the Sumatran River Basin Center (BBWSS) to carry out this tributary restoration program.

"We have recorded that there are 21 tributaries that need to be restored which can be a solution for flood management in Palembang," said Harnojoy in Palembang, Antara, Friday, October 1.

He said that currently BBWSS is restoring the Sekanak Lambidaro River for 11 Kilometers by allocating funds worth IDR 398 billion. The progress of this project has reached at least 500 meters.

As for the other tributaries, including the Sungai Tawar 29 Ilir, which is in the process of being restored.

"Restoring the 21 rivers is not as easy as one might think. Because managing just one river requires a budget of almost Rp. 400 billion," he said.

Currently, he admits that most of the tributaries in Palembang are no longer functioning properly, causing flooding every time there is high rainfall.

In fact, this tributary is actually not only to overcome flooding, but can be developed as a means of transportation for the development of the tourism sector.

While waiting for the completion of this river restoration project, the City Government utilizes the pumping capacity of the Bendung River with a capacity of 36,000 liters per second to overcome flooding.

"So far, we have been able to overcome 17 inundation points," said Harnojoyo.

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