KEDIRI - Kediri Police Team, East Java, detained a young woman because she had the heart to throw away her newborn baby. The discarded baby was found dead by residents.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kediri Police, AKP Rizkika Admadha Putra, said the police detained NA (26) a resident of Rembang Village, Ngadiluwih District, Kediri Regency.

"The mother of this NA baby gave birth to her child alone in the bathroom without the help of a midwife or anyone else. Her pregnancy is still eight months old," he said, quoted by Antara, Friday, October 1.

NA gave birth on Thursday, September 30 in the morning, around 01.00 WIB. After she gave birth, the baby boy was then put in a plastic bag and placed in a warehouse near her house.

When inserted, the baby is still alive. Out of pity, NA then approached her baby who was deliberately thrown away, but the baby died.

After learning that the baby died, the person concerned then contacted the baby's father, BA (28), a resident of Dlopo Hamlet, Karangrejo Village, Ngasem District, Kediri Regency. NA asked BA, who is also her lover, to bring the baby boy's body to be buried near her house.

Then NA and BA took the poor baby to his brother's house. However, relatives from BA were suspicious when they found out that they were carrying a dead baby.

"The brother of the victim's boyfriend then reported this incident to the Ngasem Police, because he saw the baby who died in an unnatural condition," said Rizkika.

The Ngasem Police together with the Kediri Police Satreskrim then secured the baby's mother and her lover for further questioning. The poor baby's body was taken to the hospital for an autopsy.

"The baby victim was taken to the Kediri Bhayangkara Hospital for an autopsy. Meanwhile, we secured evidence in the form of a red and black plastic bag and clothes from the baby's mother," he said.

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