JAKARTA - A firm message was conveyed by the Chairperson of the PDI-P, Megawati Soekarnoputri. Through the moment of compassion for party cadres who died due to COVID-19, Megawati firmly spoke about party lines.

In a virtual moment, Megawati Soekarnoputri 'specially' greeted her cadre Ganjar Pranowo who is also the Governor of Central Java and Deputy Mayor of Semarang Hevearita G Rahayu.

"I saw the governor of Central Java, Mr. Ganjar Pranowo, then the deputy mayor of Semarang, if I extended his name it would be very difficult. I always greet Mba Ita and there are many more DPCs present," Megawati said, quoted from PDI Perjuangan's YouTube, Friday, October 1.

In her presentation, Megawati emphasized that she was monitoring the development of the COVID-19 case and the handling carried out at the direction of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), who is also a PDIP cadre.

Megawati then reminded the structure of the mobile party to play a role in handling COVID-19. Megawati emphasized that all movements of the party structure were monitored through Prananda Prabowo, Head of the PDI-P Situation Room.

"So don't think that the party's DPP, especially me, doesn't monitor the work of our 3 pillars. Because it will be very easy, I will be able to give a warning, a warning if it's too late. As your chairman, I will give sanctions, please look at our AD/ART, there are 3, "said Megawati.

"Initially the warning, reprimand, reprimand, reprimand but did not want to listen, was increased to a warning sanction. If they have been given a warning, they still don't want to carry out party discipline, they will be raised (sanctions, ed) and disabled from their assignments," he continued.

That's why Megawati emphasized that this stage of sanctions has rules and a timeframe. For those who continue to be stubborn, Mega asserted, the heaviest sanction is dismissal from the party.

“The highest dismissal is for those who are disloyal. To the party, I always say that if you are not fit to join the PDIP, you should immediately resign, handing over your KTA. Because if not, the heaviest sanction is dismissal. It's better to think about it (resign, ed), it's better to resign with honor than to be fired,” said Megawati.

To the party structure, Megawati emphasized that political parties are tools of struggle. The goal is for political parties to be the answer or bridge the needs of the people.

"I remind us that this is a tool of struggle, hence the name PDI-P. Political parties are tools of struggle to help the people so that people can move, especially for those who have not had a life from an economic perspective," said Megawati.

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