ACEH - The North Aceh District Attorney's Office (Kejari) executed the caning of two men convicted of online gambling based on a local Sharia Court decision.
The execution of the caning took place in the courtyard of the North Aceh Prosecutor's Office in Lhoksukon, North Aceh, Thursday, September 30.
The head of the North Aceh District Attorney's Office (Kajari) Diah Ayu Iswara Akbari said the two convicts were Jamaluddin (24) and Aminullah (19). Both are residents of Tanah Jambo Aye District, North Aceh.
"Both of them were sentenced to 12 lashes each minus six times for cutting their detention period," Diah Ayu Iswara Akbari said as quoted by Antara.
Diah Ayu said that both of them were legally and convincingly proven to have taken the finger of a maisir action, namely online gambling or the online game of High Domino Island.
The two convicts were found guilty by the panel of judges at the Lhoksukon Sharia Court. Both were legally and convincingly proven guilty of violating Article 29 of Aceh Qanun Number 6 of 2014 concerning the law of jinayah.
"Each of these convicts was sentenced to six lashes after the six-month prison term was cut. Based on the qanun, every multiple of 30 days of detention is equal to one uqubah of whipping," said Diah Ayu.
The head of Lhoksukon said that the implementation of the caning was a deterrent effect and a reminder to the public not to violate Islamic law.
"Online gambling is indeed booming. We ask the public to cooperate and report to the authorities if they see any such gambling game," said Diah Ayu Iswara Akbari.
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