JAKARTA - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini motivates beneficiaries such as people with disabilities, the elderly and orphans victims of COVID-19 in Gorontalo to never give up and keep trying to be successful. God gave us extraordinary strength, we just have to use it. So there is no longer any excuse for orphans not being successful. So don't give up, don't give up, let's try," said Risma when handing over the attention assistance to beneficiaries in Gorontalo City, reported by Antara, Thursday, September 30. The Minister of Social Affairs on that occasion also played a video of Gading, a disabled person in Surakarta who trades around with an electric motorbike assisted by the Ministry of Social Affairs. have a will because he believes that God exists and is Most Just," he said. Previously, Ivory was selling around on bicycles el, because of his condition he can't sell much and the income he receives is only around Rp. 300 thousand per day. With the help of electric motors, their merchandise is more numerous and varied and can move further, as a result, their income also doubles. Therefore, Risma invites children who receive attention assistance for orphans, victims of COVID-19 and people with disabilities, not to have low self-esteem. In addition, he also tried hard not only to receive assistance of Rp. 300,000 per child.

Total attention assistance for the elderly and people with disabilities in Gorontalo Province is Rp. 142,571,500 consisting of wheelchairs and nutrition for the elderly Rp. 1,938,500, three-wheeled motorbikes for people with physical disabilities Rp. 34,450,000, food stall entrepreneurship for persons with disabilities Rp. 7,500,000. Others are adaptive walking sticks for people with disabilities IDR 3,000,000, electric wheelchairs for people with disabilities IDR 24,363,000, multi-purpose wheelchairs for people with disabilities IDR 42,270,000, prosthetic legs for people with disabilities IDR 26,800,000 and tire repair shop entrepreneurship for KP Drugs IDR 2 .250,000. During a working visit to Gorontalo, the Minister of Social Affairs was accompanied by the Secretary General, Director General of Social Empowerment, Director General of Social Security, Director General of PFM, Special Staff to the Minister, Secretary General of PFM, Secretary General of Social Security and Director of Family Social Security. Sumarni Ali, parent of an orphan victim of COVID-19 admitted that he was very lucky that his son, who had just entered elementary school, received Ate's help nsi from the Ministry of Social Affairs. Her husband, Ferian Pakaya died 1.2 years ago due to a disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, since then Sumarni has been supporting her two children by selling small businesses.

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