JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin asked the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa to immediately update the data on the extreme poor households in five priority districts.

"I ask the governors and regents of the five priority districts in 2021 in East Java Province to immediately confirm the data and information on the beneficiary groups in each district," said the Vice President while chairing a meeting with the East Java Provincial Government at the Grahadi State Building. Surabaya as reported by Antara, Thursday, September 30.

The five districts that are priority areas for solving extreme poverty until the end of 2021 are Lamongan, Bojonegoro, Sumenep, Probolinggo, and Bangkalan.

Each district will receive an additional budget for the social assistance program (bansos) for the extreme poor until the end of 2021.

"So that efforts to help accelerate extreme poverty alleviation in 2021 in the five priority districts can be realized immediately," he said.

In addition to updating the data on beneficiaries of the social assistance for the extreme poor, the Vice President asked the East Java Governor and each regent to improve program convergence from ministries and non-ministerial government agencies (K/L).

Meanwhile, based on data from the National Socio-Economic Survey of the Central Statistics Agency (Susenas BPS) as of March 2020, the total number of extreme poor people in the five priority districts is 508,571 people, with the number of extreme poor households as many as 265,180 households.

The details of the number of extreme poor people are in Probolinggo as many as 114,250 people or 9.74 percent, Bojonegoro as many as 50,200 people or 6.05 percent, Lamongan as many as 87,620 people or 7.37 percent, Bangkalan as many as 123,490 people or 12.44 percent, and Sumenep as many as 130,750 people or 11.98 percent.

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