PALEMBANG - The team from the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation at the South Sumatra Police thwarted the smuggling of 118 protected endemic animals from Eastern Indonesia suspected of being sent by Thailand.

"All 118 protected animals are from Eastern Indonesia, including endemic from Papua, Maluku and West Papua," said Head of the Tipidter Sub-Directorate of the Ditreskrimsus Polda Sumsel AKBP Rahmat Sihotang, in Palembang, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, September 29.

According to him, the 118 animals consisted of six king cockatoos, seven orange-crested cockatoos, 10 black-headed parrots and one dead, two birds collapsing.

There are also 22 Mazda parrots, 17 black parrots, 22 parrot parrots, 20 panama lizards, 20 soa umbrellas, seven sugar gliders, six squirrels and one albino and two ferns.

The discovery of the alleged animal smuggling began with information from the public who suspected a HiAce bus with police number B 7084 TDB which was parked on Jalan By Pass Soekarno Hatta Palembang.

Based on the report, his party immediately moved to check the scene, then confirmed the existence of the suspected car.

Officers did not immediately conduct a search, but first carried out monitoring.

After some time monitoring the car looks swaying. From there the officers immediately searched the car with the Jakarta number. Officers found dozens of cages containing these animals.

"There was no one in the car, then the car moved. After checking the back, it turned out that there were many animals in the cage," he said.

Based on these findings, his party immediately coordinated with the Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) of South Sumatra so that a follow-up could be carried out.

"It is safe under the supervision of the South Sumatra BKSDA," he added.

Meanwhile, the police are currently investigating the information related to the owner of the car, including the alleged perpetrator.

"Information that was collected with the BKSDA of these animals was about to be smuggled through North Sumatra and then sent to Thailand, it is suspected that there are three perpetrators who are currently being investigated by officers," he said.

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