PROBOLINGGO - Wahyudi alias Uding, a resident of Sumberagung Village, Wates District, Kediri, East Java, was arrested by the Probolinggo Police Team. The 36-year-old man was arrested for being a shabu dealer.

Probolinggo Police Public Relations Officer, Bripka Mukhtar, said the perpetrator was arrested on Monday, September 27, at his boarding house in Kedungdalem Village, Dringu District, Probolinggo Regency. From his hands, the police secured evidence of 0.8 grams of crystal methamphetamine.

The arrest of the perpetrator began when the local police received information from the community. At the location where the perpetrator lived, there was someone who sold and consumed methamphetamine.

"From that information, we conducted an investigation and got the name of the perpetrator. After that, we secured the perpetrator while he was in his boarding house," said Bripka Mukhtar, Wednesday, September 29.

In addition to securing the perpetrators, the police also secured several pieces of evidence. Namely, two packages of methamphetamine wrapped in plastic clips, a suction device, a clear glass pipette, an electric scale, a gas lighter.

There are also white straws that have been modified, and a cellphone used by the perpetrators to facilitate the process of buying and selling the methamphetamine. The bag where the evidence was stored was also confiscated.

"Then we took security against the perpetrators, along with the evidence, to the Probolinggo Police Headquarters, East Java," said Bripka Mukhtar.

The perpetrators were charged with Article 114 Paragraph 1 Subsidiary Article 112 Paragraph 1 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

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