SURABAYA - Daily COVID-19 cases in East Java from 8,230 to 92 cases. This means that there is a decrease of 98 percent in the span of that period.

The daily death cases decreased from 211 people to 14 or decreased by 93 percent.

"Alhamdulillah, from the data released by the Indonesian Ministry of Health's daily release and the Online Hospital, our daily number of cases has decreased by 98 percent", said East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa, in Surabaya, Wednesday, September 29.

Meanwhile, in terms of bed occupancy ratio (BOR), there has also been a decrease in both isolations, ICU in hospitals, and BOR in Lapangan hospitals.

Isolation BOR for the period 15 July - 27 September 2021, decreased from 81 percent to 6 percent or a decline of 75 percent.

Likewise, the ICU BOR decreased from 78 to 11 percent or decreased by 67 percent. Meanwhile, the Field Hospital BOR also decreased from 74 to 5 percent or decreased by 69 percent. This condition exceeds the standardization of WHO, the occupancy of BOR in the regions is 60 percent.

"We should be grateful for this together and I thank you for the hard work and synergy of various elements of society in East Java. At the same time, please maintain health protocols and speed up vaccinations," he said.

According to Khofifah, this significant decrease in BOR is good news. Moreover, in East Java, the decline was not only for Isolation BOR but also for the ICU and Lapangan Hospital.

"Even though our BOR is below the standard set by WHO, I ask you to remain vigilant and follow the discipline of health protocols and accelerate vaccination", she said.

However, Khofifah continues to invite the entire community to remain vigilant and disciplined in carrying out health protocols. This is important because the discipline of carrying out health procedures is one of the keys to protecting ourselves and those around us from the transmission of COVID-19.

"Thank you for all the hard work, solidarity, and the best prayers for all of us. We continue to strive and pray so that the COVID-19 condition in East Java is more under control, and becomes more sloping. Let's strengthen the discipline of health care and accelerate vaccination. Don't be careless, don't slack off", she said.

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