SERANG - Serang District Attorney, Banten, questioned two officials from the local Education and Culture Office (Disdikbud) regarding the toilet construction project in 18 public elementary schools (SDN).

"We are the only two Disdikbud officials who have been summoned and investigated," said Head of the Special Crimes Section (Pidsus) of the Serang District Attorney's Office, Jonitrianto A, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, September 28.

The inspection of the toilet construction project in 18 public elementary schools was carried out in stages.

Currently, only two Serang City Education and Culture officials have been summoned and investigated.

According to Jonitrianto, the Commitment Making Officers (PPK) should have been investigated, but they did not attend because they were sick.

The project to build toilets in 18 elementary schools was made after a report from the Saung Hijau Indonesia Foundation (SAHID).

"We hope that all of them can be examined by the PPK, officials and businessmen," said Jonitrianto.

"Just that, still completing the files," he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Mayor of Serang Subadri Ushuludin said his party ordered the Head of Education and Culture and the Inspectorate to conduct an internal audit of the project with a total of IDR 2.5 billion.

The toilet construction project that is not accompanied by the provision of clean water is believed to have not resulted in state losses.

"After all, the feeling of payment has not yet been made, so there is no state loss yet. Because there has never been a transaction," said Subadri.

However, he will try to resolve the polemics that occur in the community by deploying an internal audit team starting from the RAB examination to the physical.

The Serang City Government in the near future will reduce the APIP, the internal auditor to check how much it is, how much is the RAB and how much is the contract and how much is the eligibility of the auditor.

"We will pay later," said Subadri.

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