MATARAM - The West Nusa Tenggara Police (NTB Police) are taking firm action against a member of the police with the initials Brigadier IMP who is suspected of conspiring with debt collectors or debt collectors.

"This person has committed a disciplinary violation by taking actions outside the provisions and authority of the National Police," said Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Kombes Artanto, in Mataram, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, September 28.

Kombes Artanto said the follow-up to this problem was known to the NTB Police Chief. Strictly speaking, the NTB Police Chief, Inspector General Mohammad Iqbal, paid attention to the handling which is now under the Propam Division of the NTB Police.

"The NTB Police Chief ordered the strictest action that could be given to Brigadier IMP. His actions refer to the applicable provisions and mechanisms regarding disciplinary violations of Polri members," he said.

Brigadier IMP has undergone examination. As a result, it was discovered that the gun used in their action with a group of debt collectors to victims in the Bagek Polak area, Labuapi District, West Lombok Regency, was a toy gun.

"A match gun. A toy. We have confiscated it. Even so, we will still take firm action and punish these members," he said.

Even though the weapon he used was a toy, Artanto emphasized that the First Brigadier IMP should not abuse his authority as a member of the National Police.

In the progress of handling this case, First Brigadier IMP will be brought to a disciplinary hearing regarding alleged violations as a member of the National Police.

"From the trial later, sanctions will be imposed according to the severity of the guilt," said Artanto.

In this case, First Brigadier IMP allegedly held a gun while picking up a debtor of a financing company at the Bagik Polak Village Office, Labuapi District, West Lombok Regency, on Friday, September 24 last week.

At that time, the victim was carrying out cadre of student organizations. The victim was then dragged from the meeting location and there was a refusal by the victim. Because of this attitude, First Brigadier IMP threatened the victim by pointing a gun.

The victim, who felt threatened because he was threatened with being shot, finally complied and followed the instructions of the First Brigadier IMP to go to the finance company's office on condition that he was accompanied by a colleague.

In this case, the police have now arrested and named three debt collectors who acted together with the First Brigadier IMP as suspects. The detention of the three initials G, GH, and KP, was carried out at the West Lombok Police Rutan.

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