MALANG - Police have uncovered the motive for the murder of a housewife with the initials RDS (56) on Emprit Mas Street, Sukun, Malang City, East Java. The police stated that the motive for the suspect SL (56) was to kill the victim, who is also his wife because she was irritated.

The suspect also held grudges with the victim for asking to separate and urged the suspect to immediately move out of the house.

"The suspect admitted that he had killed his wife because he was annoyed and had a grudge against the victim", said Malang City Police Chief, AKBP Budi Hermanto, Tuesday, September 28.

Initially, the victim was found dead by his son at his home, on Sunday, September 19. The victim's son reported to the police because he was suspicious of his mother's death.

Based on the report, the police investigated the crime scene to collect evidence. The victim's body was also autopsied.

From the available evidence, the police concluded that the victim died due to blunt force violence. The victim's husband was also arrested.

Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for Malang City Police, Kompol Tinton Priambodo, said the suspect admitted to killing his wife.

The victim was hit on the head with a hammer that had been prepared, on Friday, September 17, at around 22.30 WIB.

The perpetrator hit the hammer on the victim's head who was in the bathroom.

"After it was confirmed that the victim was not moving, the suspect immediately cleaned the blood on the victim's body", he said.

After that, the suspect tried to make an alibi by positioning the victim's body near the toilet closet. The goal is to make the victim feel as if he died.

"The suspect used a plastic pipe to close the latch of the main door from the outside", he said.

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