JAKARTA - The Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswesan, chose to be efficient in talking about the plenary meeting of the Interpellation Formula E which was held today by the Chairman of the DPRD DKI, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi.

Anies felt there was no need to respond to the dynamics of the interpellation in the DKI legislative body.

"There is no specific response because it's an internal process. We'll see what happens," Anies said when met in the Ancol area, North Jakarta, Tuesday, September 28.

Previously, the chairman of the DKI DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, postponed the opening plenary meeting to determine the interpellation of Formula E until an undetermined time.

In today's plenary session, two factions, namely PDIP and PSI, presented the reasons for proposing the right of interpellation. The postponement was carried out because today's meeting only presented 32 members of the DKI DPRD, consisting of 25 members of the PDIP faction and 7 members of the PSI faction. Thus, it does not meet the quorum of 50 percent + 1 DPRD member or 54 people from 106 DKI DPRD members.

"The quorum in this forum is also not a 50+1 quorum. So, we suspended the plenary meeting proposing the interpellation. I made a mistake, it was not suspended but postponed," said Prasetyo at the DKI DPRD Building.

Although there is no quorum, Prasetyo said that the agenda for the plenary meeting did not violate any rules. This is because today there is no decision-making process regarding whether the interpellation will be carried out or not.

"There is no violation, right, this was proposed at the Deliberative Body. There is no decision-making, friends who are still outside, hopefully, we will come to a good consensus," said Prasetyo.

Thus, to be able to hold a plenary meeting again, the Jakarta DPRD Deliberative Body (Bamus) must re-schedule the interpellation plenary meeting with the same agenda, namely the explanation of the interpellation proposer. However, Prasetyo has not yet decided when he will hold the Bamus meeting again.

After the agenda of explaining the interpellation proposers, the plenary agenda was continued with the agenda of the general views of the DKI DPRD factions regarding the interpellation proposal. The third agenda is the interpellation decision-making.

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