JAKARTA - Chairman of the DKI DPRD Prasetyo Edi Marsudi opened the plenary meeting to determine the interpellation of Formula E in the Plenary Meeting Room today.
The plenary session is scheduled to start at 10.00 WIB. However, Prasetyo only arrived at the plenary meeting room at 10.26 WIB. He immediately sat in the chair.
There were five tables and chairs in the row that Prasetyo occupied. However, he just sat alone without being accompanied by the Deputy Chairmen of the DPRD. Then, Prasetyo opened the meeting at around 10.30 WIB.
"The agenda for the plenary meeting on Tuesday, December 28, 2021, is to convey an explanation from the members of the proposing council verbally regarding the right to propose an interpellation," said Prasetyo at the DKI DPRD Building, Tuesday, September 28.
Prasetyo then checked the attendance list for DKI DPRD members. As it turned out, only 27 members of the council were present from two factions, namely PDIP and PSI. Meanwhile, until now no members from other factions were present.
The problem is, in order for a plenary meeting to be held, the members of the council who attend the meeting must meet the quorum with the condition that 50 percent of DPRD members are added by 1 person (50+1) or as many as 53 out of 105 DPRD members. Finally, the plenary session was adjourned for an hour.
"There were 27 people who filled out the attendance list. I don't think this is a quorum yet. I will postpone it for an hour so that this plenary session can get a quorum. It was approved," said Prasetyo.
Previously, seven factions in the DKI DPRD stated that they did not want to come to the plenary meeting room today. Deputy Chairman of the DKI DPRD from the Gerindra faction, Mohamad Taufik, emphasized that the seven factions would not attend the plenary meeting because the agenda was considered illegal.

"Seven factions and four deputy chairmen of the DKI DPRD stated that the plenary meeting held on Tuesday, September 28 was not worth attending because it was an illegal act," said Taufik.
Taufik considers that the interpellation plenary schedule decided by Prasetyo violates Article 80 Paragraph 3 of Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2020 concerning the Order of the DKI DPRD.
The plenary schedule of the interpellation was decided in the meeting of the Jakarta DPRD Deliberative Body (Bamus) yesterday. However, said Taufik, there was no inclusion of the Formula E interpellation in the discussion list of the previous Bamus invitation.
In this case, the interpellation discussion was inserted during the Bamus meeting. "There are seven agendas (in the invitation to the Bamus meeting). The interpellation agenda does not exist," said Taufik.
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