JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has asked all regional heads in Jambi to eradicate corruption. They were asked to sign a joint commitment which outlines a statement to realize clean governance; transparent; accountable; and far from corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN).

"KPK asks for the commitment of all regional heads in the Jambi region to eradicate corruption in the Pesako Betuah Select Land," said Acting KPK Spokesperson for Prevention Ipi Maryati in a statement quoted on Tuesday, September 28.

There are eight joint commitments signed by 12 regional heads, namely improving and strengthening the system and local government governance that refers to the Monitoring Center for Prevention (MCP) which is coordinated and monitored by the KPK for evaluation; planning, budgeting, and realizing finances in local government governance that prioritizes the public interest and its benefits; and carry out a clean, professional, and accountable procurement process for goods and services and free of KKN.

Next, these regional heads are asked to commit to controlling, restoring, and securing all assets belonging to the regional government; strengthen supervision and control in local government governance; build a public complaint system through the Whistleblowing System (WBS) integrated with the KPK; carry out activities to handle Covid-19 in a transparent, accountable and free from corruption; and preventing corruption in the local revenue sector and optimizing the potential of PAD.

Ipi said the signing was carried out as part of a series of Coordination Meetings (Rakor) on Corruption Prevention which was attended directly by KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri along with the ranks of the KPK Regional I Korsup Directorate at the Jambi Governor's Office House Auditorium on Monday, September 27 yesterday.

Still in the same series of events, the KPK also witnessed the launch of a book on corruption and gratification prevention from PT Bank Jambi. Not only that, there the Jambi Provincial Government and PT Bank Jambi Whistleblowing System were also launched.

Next, the launch of the implementation of anti-corruption education is also carried out and is expected to strengthen the development of an anti-corruption culture through education at all levels.

"On this occasion, a total of 262 local government land asset certificates were handed over from the BPN Regional Office to 11 regency/city governments in Jambi," said Ipi.

With these various prevention activities, the KPK hopes that efforts to eradicate corruption in Jambi City can be carried out. Moreover, this improvement is considered to have touched good local governance.

"KPK hopes that efforts to prevent corruption through improving the system of regional governance which include eight areas of intervention and building an integrity system through education and the implementation of a whistleblowing system can strengthen efforts to prevent corruption in Jambi," concluded Ipi.

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