JAKARTA - The Da'wah Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) held the Dai MUI Standardization. This institution wants to create clerics who are polite and understand nationalism.

MUI held Dai MUI Standardization with the theme “MUI Service Paradigm”, Monday 27 September.

The Head of the Central MUI Da'wah Commission, Ahmad Zubaidi, said that the Dai standardization was carried out in order to produce competent and qualified lecturers in carrying out the mandate of da'wah.

"We want to produce preachers who have sufficient competence, both in terms of mastering religious material, nationality and promoting polite da'wah," Ustadz Zubaidi in his opening remarks for the offline activities at the Buya Hamka Hall, 4th Floor, Central MUI Building.

The importance of standardization of dai, according to him, cannot be separated from the challenge of da'wah which is getting bigger, especially with the existence of da'wah content that is easily circulated widely on social media.

Moreover, Ustadz Zubaidi added that the openness of information and the ease of access to the digital world caused a lot of da'wah content to be questioned by the authority of religious references.

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