KENDARI - Demonstrations to commemorate the two anniversary of the deaths of two students from Halu Oleo University (UHO) Kendari, namely Randi and Muhammad Yusuf Kardawi who died on September 26, 2019 heated up. This demo is also known as the Bloody demonstration or Bloody September.

Launching Antara, Monday, September 27, the crowd burned tires and gave speeches in turn. The combined mass of various universities on behalf of the extended family of Randi Yusuf.

The situation heated up when several student representatives were communicating with the police, but there were stones being thrown from behind the students towards the front.

As a result of the throwing of stones, the students who were in the front row immediately ran to the back.

The line of police who received stone pelts then fired tear gas at the crowd.

Currently, the police are still on standby at the intersection of Jalan Haluoleo, Mokoau Sub-district, Anduonohu District, Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra), where the mass protested.

The masses were still throwing things at the police, while the protesters were still throwing things at the police.

Students on behalf of Randi and Yusuf's extended families held a demonstration to commemorate the two anniversary of the deaths of two Kendari Halu Oleo University (UHO) students who died on September 26, 2019.

"We are here because our friend's life was taken," shouted one of the orators behind the wire stretched by the local police.

The orators said they could not accept the deaths of their two friends and colleagues who were shot and killed during a demonstration at the Southeast Sulawesi Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) office on September 26, 2019.

"Our wounds have not healed, we want to convey that our wounds have not healed," shouted the orator in front of the police.

Meanwhile, the police guarded the intersection of four Polda Sultra and barbed wire was stretched to dispel the demonstrators.

Shielded police officers wielding tear gas guns stood before the demonstrators who were separated by barbed wire. In addition, as many as three units of water cannon cars have been prepared by the police.

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