JAKARTA - Ambassador for New Habit Adaptation, Reisa Broto Asmoro, reminded people who want to shop at the market during this pandemic to prepare a number of things.

Among other things, a grocery list so that people don't have to waste time in the market to get around. And, continued Reisa, people who go to the market must be in good health.

"The most important thing before we go to the market is that we must be in good health, must wear masks, make notes on shopping plans in order to shorten time and reduce physical contact with other people," Reisa said in a video posted on BNPB's YouTube account, Thursday, July 16th.

People who are going to shop, he continued, have to bring their own shopping bags. This is in addition to preventing virus transmission, it can also be a step to reduce the use of plastic bags

Furthermore, market managers and workers must also pay attention to several things in carrying out selling activities during a pandemic like now. For market managers, Reisa said, they have to prepare a place for washing hands or a sink and soap.

"Not only in front of the entrance (hand washing area) but also available in various corner blocks of the market so that visitors can reach it," he said.

As for traders, he asked them to use masks and gloves when making transactions, keep their distance, and always keep their stalls and stalls clean.

Checking body temperature, he said, is also an obligation that must be carried out in public places including the market. According to him, visitors and traders who are allowed to buy and sell activities at the market are those whose body temperature is below 37.3 degrees Celsius.

Meanwhile, people who are not fit or healthy, said Reisa, should rest at home and not travel, including to the market.

Furthermore, Reisa advised, market managers have a big role in controlling public discipline when shopping. He said there are several things that can be done so that people can continue to carry out health protocols when shopping, such as implementing two-way steps in the staircase area, monitoring the movement of visitors at the entrance and exit to prevent crowds.

He also reminded all people who go and do activities in the market not to touch their face, especially in the eyes, nose and mouth when interacting. "Moreover, raising and lowering the mask with dirty hands. Remember to wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer after the transaction," he said.

"Get used to all disciplines to enforce health protocols, especially in the market. Let's apply new habits to a new culture that is clean and healthy so that we are always productive and safe from the COVID-19 pandemic," he concluded.

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