JAKARTA - Member of the DPR RI from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) faction Buchori Yusuf protested to the DPR leadership because it was still the Pancasila Ideology Direction Bill (HIP) in the list of the 2020 Priority National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) which was ratified at the plenary session for the closing session of the IV session in 2019 2020.

"In number 16 (list of the 2020 Priority Prolegnas, red) is written a bill on the Development of Pancasila Ideology," said Buchori in a meeting held at the DPR RI Building, Senayan, Central Jakarta, Thursday, July 16.

He admitted that he reminded the leadership of the existence of the HIP Bill in the 2020 Priority Prolegnas to prevent malpractice. Moreover, this afternoon the government submitted a draft of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) bill as a substitute concept for the HIP Bill.

He admitted that he did not want to be missed as in the discussion of the HIP Bill which changed its name. This is because previously this bill was called the Guidance of Pancasila Ideology and it was agreed upon at the plenary session on 12 May.

"Because of that, we warn against malpractice in the future," he said.

Responding to this, Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian Parliament, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, emphasized to Buchori that the revocation of the draft legislation must go through the applicable mechanism.

"Mr. Buchori, who is in baleg, should know the mechanism for the withdrawal of the bill, it will not be done immediately. There are several mechanisms that must be implemented beforehand," he said without explaining the mechanism further.

"I propose that in the nearest court session, once we enter the recess, we will discuss it and we ask our fellow factions to always be committed if there is a Bamus we come, discuss it, finish it," he added.

Previously, the government had submitted the BPIP Bill to the DPR. This handover was led by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs. According to Mahfud, the BPIP Bill was a response from the government that did not agree or reject the HIP Bill.

The government's reason for rejecting the draft law was because of the absence of TAP MPRS Number XXV / MPRS / 1966 concerning the Prohibition of the Teachings of Communism, Marxism, and Leninism as a preamble or consideration of the Bill.

Apart from that, the rejection from the government occurred because many people protested against the DPR RI initiative draft.

Regarding the BPIP Bill, Mahfud emphasized that this bill contains the government's firm stance that Pancasila consists of five principles. This is different from the HIP Bill which in one of its articles alludes to the issue of Ekasila or Trisila.

"We emphasize that the issue of Pancasila which we use officially here, we include in Chapter 1, article 1 point 1, that Pancasila is the one and only Godhead, just and civilized humanity, Indonesian unity, democracy led by the wisdom of inner wisdom. representative deliberation, and social justice for all Indonesian people, "he said.

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