JAKARTA - The Federation of All Indonesian Teachers' Unions (FSGI) has asked local governments not to hold face-to-face learning (PTM) at the lower levels of education, namely PAUD, Kindergarten, and elementary school students in grades 1 to 3.

Secretary General of FSGI Heru Purnomo said this suggestion was triggered by the emergence of COVID-19 transmission in lower grade students who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19.

"FSGI encourages local governments not to hold PTM currently at the PAUD and TK and lower grade elementary schools, because they are vulnerable to transmission, considering that these children have not been vaccinated and their behavior is difficult to control," said Heru in his statement, Monday, September 27.

Heru said he was concerned about the findings of COVID-19 cases at schools that held PTM, where the most cases were found in elementary school students. Based on data released by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), there were 19,153 cases of COVID-19 found from 1,296 schools.

Of the total number of students, teachers, and education staff who were confirmed positive, the most cases were in elementary schools, namely 581 schools. Then, followed by 252 PAUD schools, 241 junior high schools, 107 high schools, 70 vocational schools, and 13 special schools.

"FSGI regrets that thousands of students and educators/educational staff have confirmed COVID-19, ranging from PAUD to SMA/SMK education levels, with the highest cases at the elementary level," said Heru. so the confirmed COVID-19 cases, starting from students, educators and education staff, reached 19,153 people. This is a very large number. The new PTM has been held by 42 percent of the education units alone, there are already high cases, especially if the PTM is held simultaneously later, "he continued.

Furthermore, Heru also encouraged the local government and the Ministry of Education and Culture to immediately hold a coordination meeting to evaluate the 118 thousand schools in the PPKM Level 1-3 areas that have held limited face-to-face learning.

"If there are good examples published and if there are bad examples that have an impact on school clusters, then this can be a lesson for all educational units, both those who have PTM and those that will be PTM," he added.

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