JAKARTA - A video showing three boys in elementary school uniforms using Styrofoam to cross a river has gone viral on social media. In the video, the three children can be seen in each small white styrofoam box.

The video is accompanied by an explanation that the location is in Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) Regency, South Sumatra. The video maker seemed calm when documenting the actions of the three children. While many netizens are worried about the safety of the children.

Responding to the viral video, the Governor of South Sumatra, H Herman Deru hoped that the public would respond wisely. "The canoe does exist. I ask those who record it so that small children don't become a commodity. That it's a fish box, yes. Next to it is a canoe if we look at it," said H Herman Deru to VOI, Sunday, September 26.

Herman also added that adults who recorded the incident needed to be more sensitive. "Adults should say that Supana is taking a canoe. I'm not actually recording this, I'll put it on YouTube later. That's exploitation of children. I suggest not sacrificing children, sorry. Because their lives are in the water, it's not an obstacle to getting on the canoe," he said.

The Head of the OKI District Education Office, M Amin also confirmed that the children were students of SD Negeri 1 Kuala Dua Belas, Ogan. "This incident for the children is a form of play. They use and use Styrofoam to express themselves. For our children, it is all a habit. It is thick with their local life," he said.

Even so, Amin did not confirm that Styrofoam was used as a means of transportation to school. "The various responses to the video are not without the government's attention. A lot of assistance has been given. Parents are also very concerned about the smooth running of education. They have prepared means of transportation," he said.

For the comments of Fadli Zone and Susi Pudjiastuti who wanted to visit and provide assistance, Amin welcomed positively. "We welcome it positively if you want to give to children. However, if you want to provide assistance, we hope to be able to provide assistance to all children who live on the beach. There are tens of thousands of our students who live on the beach," he explained.

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