JAKARTA - The management of the Crescent Star Party (PBB) responded to the sarcasm of the Democratic Party of Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono's (AHY) and Deli Serdang's Extraordinary Congress (KLB) camp, regarding the steps taken by senior advocate Yusril Ihza Mahendra who submitted a judicial review of the party's articles of association and bylaws to the Supreme Court (MA). It is known that Yusril was appointed as a lawyer by four former Democrat Party (PD) cadres who were fired by AHY.

Previously, in an interview on a private television station, Yusril emphasized that his attitude as a lawyer had nothing to do with the Democratic Party of Moeldoko's camp. However, it is more about representing the rights of the four-party cadres bearing the star of mercy who have been dismissed from the party.

Yusril's attitude was also questioned by a number of Democrat Party cadres, such as Rachland Nashidik and Imelda Sari, who viewed Yusril as siding with Moeldoko and allegedly taking advantage of the chaos.

The United Nations then reacted because Yusril Ihza Mahendra (YIM) was the leader of the party bearing the moon and star symbol.

The Head of the Political, Legal, and Advocacy Division of the UN DPP, Firmansyah, assessed that the cadres of the Democratic Party of AHY's camp were too childish because they attacked Yusril personally.

"We feel it's crowded and annoying that the PD's omission of its childish administrators to attack personally (Yusril)," said Firmansyah in his statement, Sunday, September 26.

Firman explained that Yusril had been a legal representative for the Golkar Party led by Aburizal Bakrie (Ical) when the party had a dispute with its cadre, Agung Laksono. Including, when YIM became a lawyer for Djan Faridz's PPP during a conflict with Romahurmuziy (Rommy)'s PPP.

According to him, at that time the management and cadres of the Golkar and PPP parties were mature in responding to it, no one attacked personally or personally. No one also attacked the UN when Yusril was a lawyer for the opposing party at that time.

"It's different from the articles of association and bylaws test of PD this time, we saw that there was an omission and even PD's support for the management who made a statement against this personal attack. We didn't see any prevention or official statement from the PD regarding this," said Firman.

Previously, Democratic Party politician Imelda Sari satirized constitutional law expert Yusril Ihza Mahendra, who is the attorney for four Democratic cadres of the Deli Serdang KLB camp and plans to sue the party's articles of association and bylaws to the Supreme Court.

"Mr. YIM defends Moeldoko? Even though Mr. YIM, the founder of the Party, knows that the Party is an organization regulated by articles of association and bylaws. Not only political party is regulated with laws, but every organization is regulated with each article of association and bylaws," said Imelda from @isari68 Twitter account quoted on Friday, September 24.

Imelda emphasized that the legitimate Demokrat Party is not a community. "Especially like the group that failed KLB by KSP," she stated.

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