JAKARTA - The Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) Siti Nurbaya, will still stop new permits for oil palm plantations in forest areas even though the moratorium on permits has ended on September 19, 2021,

"Although Presidential Instruction 8/2018 ended on September 19, we don't know whether it will be extended or not, the tasks that the President has entrusted to the Minister of Environment and Forestry have been successfully carried out," said the Director General of Forestry Planning and Environmental Management (PKTL). ) Ruandha Agung Sugardiman was reported by Antara, Friday, September 24.

"Although now there is no Presidential Instruction 8 of 2018 or its continuation, the policy of the Minister of Environment and Forestry will still stop new permits," he added.

Previously, Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 8 of 2018 concerning the Suspension and Evaluation of Oil Palm Plantation Permits and Increasing Productivity of Oil Palm Plantations, known as the moratorium on palm oil permits, expired on 19 September 2021.

Until now, there is still no decision regarding the continuation of the moratorium on the permit. Ruandha explained that the Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya, was brave enough to stop the new permit, partly because the government had committed to achieving a net carbon sequestration or net sink by 2030 for the forestry and land use (FOLU) sector.

He said that the renewal of the Indicative Map for the Termination of New Permits (PIPPIB) was still being released, although the moratorium had not yet been extended in relation to the goal of achieving a net sink in the FOLU sector.

"PIPPIB continues the tasks of Presidential Instruction Number 8 of 2018 which is closely related to the Indonesia FOLU net sink 2030. Therefore, this policy was taken by the Minister of Environment and Forestry to continue," he said.

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry itself has updated the PIPPIB 2021 Period II area to be 66,139,183 hectares, or down from the 66,182,094 hectares stated in the first period of this year, said Ruandha Agung Sugardiman.

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