DEPOK – The damage to a number of buildings and public facilities due to heavy rain and strong winds in Depok is of particular concern. In response to this, the Depok City Government, West Java has prepared an additional budget to help residents affected by the natural disaster that occurred on Tuesday, September 21.

"The plan is that there will be an additional additional cost budget (ABT) for 2021 of Rp.

Idris added that currently they are still in the process of collecting data on damaged houses and public facilities. Later all the data will be closed, hopefully it will be finished soon, so that there will be realization of assistance for repairs.

Idris said repairing the damage caused by the natural disaster would have to wait for the 2021 ABT. However, his party would take an inventory of the facilities that had to be repaired first.

"Some are postponed and emergency. For example, damaged public facilities, such as trees and fences, it can be postponed. However, if people's homes have to be quickly assisted because of their shelter," he said.

Mohammad Idris revealed that the condition of Depok City after being hit by heavy rain and strong winds was still under control. He appealed to all affected parties to be patient and patient in dealing with the disaster that occurred.

"This is a trial, in life there will always be. Moreover, we have not finished facing the pandemic, but there has been a disaster. Therefore, we must be patient and prepare," he said.

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