JAKARTA - The Head of Public Relations of the DKI Education Office (Disdik), Taga Radja Gah, said that his party only found one school COVID-19 cluster that held face-to-face learning (PTM).
Taga said this school was declared a COVID-19 cluster because it had a confirmed case that infected another student at the educational institution.
"There is only one COVID-19 cluster at SD Negeri Klender 03 School. And that too has been traced (contact tracing) again. There is nothing else", said Taga when contacted, Thursday, September 23.
The data held by the DKI Disdik is different from the findings of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemenristek) which revealed that there were 25 school clusters in Jakarta. Regarding this matter, Taga declined to comment.
"Well, I don't dare to answer this because it's a survey (finding) from the Ministry of Education and Culture. But I've tried to check all regions, there are no (25 clusters)", he said.
Furthermore, in addition to one school that was registered as a COVID-19 cluster, Taga said five other schools were recorded to have COVID-19 cases during the PTM implementation but had not been named as clusters.
The schools included COVID-19 cases for teachers at SMK 66 School Jakarta, students at SDN Pondok Ranggon 02 School, SMP PGRI 20 School teachers, SMA Negeri 25 School teachers, and SMA Negeri 20 School students.
"So that it becomes a common understanding, (the findings of the cases in 5 schools) are cluster houses, not from schools", said Taga.
With the findings of the case, Taga said that 6 schools had been temporarily closed. However, currently, limited PTM resumed.
Then, in addition to the 6 schools that recorded COVID-19 cases, there was also 1 school that was revealed to have violated the health protocol, namely SDN 05 Jagakarsa School. Until now, PTM at SDN 05 Jagakarsa School is still being stopped.
Previously, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) noted that there were 25 COVID-19 clusters found in schools in Jakarta. The findings of this cluster are recorded in real-time data belonging to the Ministry of Education and Technology on the school.data.kemdikbud.go.id website. This data was collected from a survey of 900 school respondents.
It was also noted that 227 educators and education staff were confirmed positive for COVID-19 and 241 students were confirmed positive for COVID-19.
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