JAKARTA - The Management of the Gembira Loka Zoo (GL Zoo) Yogyakarta tourism object refused as many as a hundred visitors a day since the beginning of the trial opening in line with the implementation of Level 3 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM). as a result of regulations that prohibit children under 12 years old from entering tourist attractions. QR code) the PeduliLindung application averages 40 to 50 people per day or fewer than rejected tourists. This is because the majority of GL Zoo's visitor segmentation is children. Meanwhile, most of the tourists who want to enter bring children. "So it's not rejected because the PeduliLindung application but can't enter because most of them bring children. Even though children are our segment," said Fahmi. Therefore, the Management of Gembira Loka Zoo proposes that the rules prohibiting children under 12 years from entering tourist attractions during the trial as contained in the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 43 of 2021 can be reviewed.

According to him, outdoor tourism destinations such as zoos are quite safe for children, including those under 12 years old. In addition to having a large area of land, the health protocol rules are strictly enforced. "As long as the parents have been vaccinated and can use PeduliLidungi, we guarantee it is safe," he said. Zoo. "But of course we still obey the rules from the government. It is impossible for us to make rules that are detrimental to GL Zoo itself," he said. During the trial period, Fahmi ensured that no visitors came with large groups. Most of the visitors are family category visitors, which on average consist of two to five people. The management also does not change the entrance ticket price, which is Rp. 60 thousand for Monday to Thursday, while Saturday-Sunday is Rp. 75 thousand per person. from DIY. Some come from Central Java. Moreover, on Saturday-Sunday, more people come from outside Yogyakarta," he said.

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