JAKARTA - Most areas in DKI Jakarta have been raining moderate to heavy rain this morning. This condition will continue until day and night.

Based on weather forecast information from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), rain with light-medium intensity will be evenly distributed in five areas of DKI Jakarta. Likewise with the capital buffer areas, such as Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi.

"Be alert of potential rain accompanied by strong winds of short duration in West Jakarta and South Jakarta in the early morning hours before noon," wrote BMKG in a statement, Wednesday, July 15.

The temperature this morning was between 24-34 degrees Celsius, with a humidity of 65-85 percent. BMKG also informed the wind speed moving from the Northeast to the Southeast, 05-25 km / hour.

It is predicted that Jakarta skies will still be cloudy until noon. Meanwhile, in the late afternoon, South Jakarta and East Jakarta are expected to rain with light intensity.

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