EAST JAVA - The Tulungagung District Attorney's Office has named the former Director of PDAM Tirta Cahya Agung with the initials H (61) as a suspect in the corruption of the PDAM pipe network installation project for Low-Income Communities (MBR) for the 2016-2018 budget year with a potential loss of hundreds of millions of rupiah.

"Today we have named one suspect," said Head of Intelligence at the Tulunggaung District Attorney's Office, Tri Radityo, in Tulungagung, East Java, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, September 22.

The determination of the suspect was carried out after the investigating prosecutor's team found sufficient evidence and the results of pulbaket (collection of information) for the past year.

The witnesses have been examined, including H who was later named a suspect.

The value of state losses is currently still being consulted with the BPKP. However, if you look at the number of project points spread over 18 locations, each with a value ranging from Rp. 120 million to Rp. 200 million, the loss is estimated to be in the tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of rupiah.

There are about 50 witnesses examined in this case. H was last questioned as a suspect on Friday, September 17 and Tuesday, September 21.

During the investigation, his party confiscated 179 documents related to this project.

The alleged articles are Article 2 paragraph 1 and Article 3 of Law Number 31 of 1999. H and Law Number 20 of 2021 concerning the Crime of Corruption with a penalty of up to 20 years in prison.

"According to the technical guidelines, it is carried out by a third party, but in practice it is carried out by the PDAM itself," he explained. According to Agung's explanation, the results of the work were not in accordance with the budget and implementation plan (RAP).

"Because the value is below Rp. 200 million, there is no auction," he said.

He said that the work on this project only appointed partners. H

The investigation into this corruption case is a development of the handling of corruption in the maintenance and maintenance project at PDAM Tirta Ahya Agung which was previously carried out by the Tulungagung District Attorney.

In this case, the former Head of the Tulungagung PDAM Maintenance Division, Djoko Hariyanto, became a suspect who had harmed the state Rp1.3 billion.

Djoko Hariyanto was later found guilty and sentenced to four years in prison and a fine of Rp. 200 million, subsidiary to six (6) months in prison and to pay compensation of Rp. 135 million.

After investigation, the prosecutor's team of investigators found indications of overlapping reports and some were identified as fictitious projects.

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