The Depok KPU Office Was Shattered By A Broken Mango Tree When It Rained And The Wind Was Strong
A broken mango tree hits the Depok KPU office/ Photo: IST

DEPOK – Depok KPU Office at Jalan Kartini No. 19 Pancoranmas was hit by a mango tree. The incident occurred when heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds hit Depok City on Tuesday, September 21.

It rained heavily for about 3 hours. From 15:00 to 18:00 WIB. Because the wind was so strong and the mango leaves were thick, it broke the trunk of a very large tree and hit the roof of the KPU Depok office.

"Thank God, there were no victims at the time of the incident, although at that time there were guard officers and several secretariat staff of the Depok City KPU who were working," said Depok KPU chairman Nana Shobarna in a written statement received by reporters, Tuesday, September 21.

Nana Shobarna explained that since it was occupied, the Depok City KPU office has produced approximately 4 (four) mayoral and deputy mayoral terms and 4 (four) Depok City DPRD terms.

So it's really not worth living in, considering the building is old and here and there many parts are rotten and leaking.

"With this incident, we hope that this will become the attention of our leaders at the center, considering that the City Government recently donated land for the construction of a proper KPU office some time ago. This incident is also a natural sign, a representative Depok City KPU Office will soon be realized in the near future. which is not too long ago," he concluded.

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