SUBANG - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police conducted a lie test on Yosef (55) and his siri wife, Mimin (51). The test was carried out as part of a series of disclosures about the murder of a mother and child in Subang, West Java. Yosef is also known as the husband and father of the two victims.

"Pak Yosef went through it last Thursday, from sunset until 21.00 WIB, then continued Friday after Friday," said Yosef's attorney, Rohman Hidayat when contacted, Antara, Tuesday, September 21.

During the lie test, continued Rohman, both of them were asked to answer a number of questions. One of them is whether the two of them did or ordered to kill the mother and child named Tuti (55) and Amalia (23).

"Their statements are the same, both of them said they never ordered or committed (murder)," he said.

But so far, according to him, the legal team has not yet known the results of the lie test conducted by the police. "So, regarding the results, please ask the investigator. I did not enter the room at the time of the test. We do not know the results yet," he said.

It's been more than a month since the murder took place on August 18, 2021. Police confirmed that the bodies of the mother and child were killed because there were a number of wounds on their bodies. The two bodies were also found in the trunk of a luxury car parked at his residence. At that time, Yosef was the first to find the two members of his family dead.

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