JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party, Ahmad Doli Kurnia Tandjung, was reluctant to comment much on the news of the cabinet reshuffle.

Recently, the issue of a reshuffle has surfaced. It was even stated that a cabinet reshuffle would occur in early October.

"The president knows best about how he arranges the cabinet positions," said Doli at the DPR Building, Tuesday, September 21.

Doli emphasized that the full reshuffle is the prerogative of the president. So he said, there was no suggestion from Golkar even though it was a coalition political party.

"There is no suggestion. We want to give advice a thousand times as well as the authority and prerogative of the president," said Doli.

The chairman of Commission II of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia also said that the President must have known when the time was right to reshuffle. Including, who the assistant will be replaced. "These ministers are assistants to the president, so the president knows best. What is the right time to replace who, who wants to be replaced, that's all the authority and prerogative of the president," he explained.

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