JAKARTA - There are a lot of handwritten letters from the Inspector of Military Command (Irdam) XIII/Merdeka, Brigadier General Junior Tumilaar, to the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, requesting that Babinsa not need to be examined at the Manado Police. General Sigit spoke about the strong solidarity between the TNI and the National Police.
The National Police Chief said that the emergence of an invasion of vaccination programs within the TNI-Police reflects the strong solidarity between the two institutions. Moreover, this also shows solidarity in suppressing and controlling COVID-19.
"This is a form of synergy and solidity between the Indonesian National Armed Forces and the Indonesian National Police, especially efforts to implement a strategy to suppress the growth rate of COVID-19", said Sigit while reviewing the 1998 Indonesian Military Academy Alumni vaccination activity, Tuesday, September 21.
The former Kabareskrim also mentioned that vaccination and social service activities that keep popping up are also the implementations of the TNI-Police in assisting the Government.
Evidently, the daily number of COVID-19 cases has also decreased. In addition to vaccination activities, the implementation and supervision of health protocols also affect.
Based on the data, the decline in COVID-19 cases can be seen and compared since July. Where the positive number of COVID-19 reached 56,000 and the BOR (bed occupancy rate) in the hospital became 90 percent.
"So now thanks to the hard work of all stakeholders of the TNI, National Police, health workers, and local governments, and the community, we can congratulate and be grateful that the national BOR has fallen by 11 percent and the daily case rate is around 1,900", said Sigit.
However, Sigit emphasized that the decrease in the number of cases did not make all parties lulled. Prokes monitoring and vaccination must continue to be carried out.
"This must maintain the strategy of how we carry out 3T (testing, tracing, and treatment), the main process is wearing masks, and most importantly we realize immunity by accelerating vaccination. What we hope is that with these three strategies the rate of COVID-19 can be controlled and economic growth grows", said Sigit.
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