JAKARTA - Indonesia is considered one of the best in the world in handling COVID-19 cases based on data from one of the leading universities based in Maryland, John Hopkins University CSSE Covid-19 on 12 September 2021.

The reason is because Indonesia was able to reduce COVID-19 cases by 58 percent in just two weeks. Appreciation also came from the World Bank because Indonesia managed to achieve 100 million doses of vaccination on August 31.

As of Monday, September 20, Indonesia has succeeded in administering the first dose of vaccination to 79,657,762 people, the second dose of vaccination to 45,224,650 people, and the third dose of 856,589 people.

Indonesia's achievements in controlling COVID-19 were also commented on by social media activist, Denny Siregar. Denny said that everything the government had planned was going well without excessive praise.

"No applause, no awards, no certificates, Everything went smoothly, without excessive praise," Denny tweeted via his Twitter, @Dennysiregar7 while retweeting news from one of the online media titled 'Wow! World Bank Officials Praise Indonesia's Handling of Covid-19, Tuesday, September 21.

At the end of his tweet, Denny actually alluded to Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) and the Democratic Party in particular for being diligent in criticizing the government in dealing with COVID-19 so far.

As is known, AHY, who is also the General Chair of the Democrats, Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono alias Ibas to Andi Arief and Rachland Nashidik, often criticizes the handling of COVID.

Screenshot of Denny Siregar's Twitter

The most epic is Ibas' statement that he is worried that Indonesia will become a failed nation due to failing to save the lives of its people. Meanwhile, AHY highlighted the decline in Indonesia's position as a country in the lower middle income category, aka a country with lower middle income.

"Hopefully this will be a lesson for @AgusYudhoyono and PDemocrat how the country should run. Learn to grow up first, then lead the country," Denny quipped.

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