JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has asked state officials to immediately report their assets in accordance with Commission Regulation No. 2 of 2020.

Acting KPK Spokesperson for Prevention Ipi Maryati said of the 337,344 mandatory reports, there were still 19,967 who had not fully reported.

"To this day, the KPK has recorded that there are still 19,967 state administrators out of a total of 377,344 required to report LHKPN that have not completed the lack of documents. We appeal to state administrators who have not submitted them to complete them immediately," Ipi told reporters, Tuesday, September 21.

He said state officials whose reports were incomplete were asked to complete their files. One of the documents requested is a power of attorney signed by the complainant, their spouse, and their 17-year-old child who is still covered.

Furthermore, Ipi also mentioned the LHKPN belonging to the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian. According to him, the former National Police Chief has reported his assets to the KPK.

However, there is still data that is lacking so the report is returned to be repaired again. Tito's LHKPN was reported on March 31 last.

"KPK has carried out the verification process and there is a shortage of documents that must be completed. So, currently the LHKPN is still in the verification process awaiting completion and cannot be announced," said Ipi.

He said that the KPK had communicated to Tito to immediately report his LHKPN. Furthermore, said Ipi, Tito said that the lack of documents in his possession would soon be submitted. Ipi said that the anti-corruption commission certainly appreciates state officials who have reported their assets. In particular, reporting obligations are carried out periodically and do so honestly, correctly and completely.

For information, the Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian reported his wealth at the latest in January 2020. He is recorded to have assets worth Rp. 18,090 billion.

In the LHKPN, he recorded ownership of assets in the form of land and buildings reaching IDR 8,297,741,000 in South Jakarta, Palembang and Tangerang.

Tito did not register the ownership of the car or motorcycle. He only has other movable assets of IDR 260 million and cash equivalents of IDR 9,532,725,263.

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