JEMBER - The East Unit Resmob Team of the Jember Police, East Java, arrested a resident who was caught circulating counterfeit money to buy a number of items.

"We arrested the suspect with the initials MS (34), a resident of Muncar District, Banyuwangi Regency at the Sempolan Village Hall three intersection motorcycle taxi, Silo District, Jember Regency," said the East Unit Resmob Team of the Jember Police, Aipda Achmad Yani, quoted by Antara, Monday, September 20.

According to him, the arrest was based on a report from a victim named Muhammad Yudi Anto (20), a resident of Lembengan Village, Ledokombo District, with a witness named Veri (20) who is also a resident of Ledokombo District.

"The suspect circulated 17 pieces of counterfeit money with IDR 50,000 denominations to buy an Oppo A3S mobile phone. From the suspect's confession, he had been in action for 3 months and the money was spent in markets and shops around Sempolan," said Aipda Achmad.

The suspect got the counterfeit money by transacting via WhatsApp communication, which previously made an introduction from a social media account claiming to be the commander of the counterfeit money who is a resident of Banyuwangi Regency.

"Based on the suspect's statement, he transferred the counterfeit money to the commander with the initials AR with a ratio of 1:2 and has made 6 transactions with a nominal value of IDR 250 thousand to IDR 500 thousand," he said.

Achmad said the evidence that was secured by the police included a mobile phone, cash in the amount of Rp. 850 thousand in 50,000 denominations as many as 17 pieces and a Suzuki Smash motorbike.

"Everyone who circulates and/or spends rupiah which is known to be counterfeit rupiah and or fraud as referred to in Article 36 paragraph (3) in conjunction with Article 26 paragraph (3) of Law No. 7 of 2011 concerning currency and or Article 378 of the Criminal Code," he said. .

The police ask the public to always be vigilant and careful when making buying and selling transactions by ensuring that the money they receive is real money.

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