JAKARTA - The police have arrested an FTV artist who was involved in an alleged online prostitution case with the initials HH. He was arrested at a star hotel in Medan, North Sumatra with his date without wearing clothes.
There is strong suspicion that the artist with the initials HH referred to Hana Hanifah. Even on social media Twitter, Hana Hanifah's name topped Indonesia's popularity. VOI saw that at 00.37, 7,964 Tweets had been shared, mentioning the name Hana Hanifah.
Various comments came from netizens. Some tweets still confirm whether HH is really Hana Hanifah or not. Because, until now the police have not officially released this case.
Mba Hana Hanifah, her body is beautiful but not as beautiful as her character. It's better to be beautiful on the outside, it's really not true. The video is just entertaining for you, yeah pic.twitter.com/5LoE9HwA0j
- Dewi Tea (@ Anggi14Dewi) July 13, 2020
While most of the tweets are blasphemous if it is true that HH is Hana Hanifah. "Mba Hana Hanifah, her body is beautiful but not as beautiful as her character. Mending is beautiful from the inside out, isn't it true," said @ Anggi14Dewi, Monday, July 13.
Then, a scathing comment was also delivered by @AnindaDestia who said. "The Hana Hanifah scandal taught us, to be popular requires more effort !," he said.
Likewise the @ LiliAngelica6 account says. "Is it true, Ms. Hana Hanifah, caught (caught, red) in prostitution? O Allah, if it's true, good locating doesn't ensure good atitude," he said.
Then what is the HH rate for one date? Based on a temporary examination, HH received tens of millions of money from the masher with the initials R who ordered it. HH received this amount of money through pimps, not from direct buyers.
Kapolrestabes Medan, Kombes Riko Sunarko said, HH is still undergoing an intensive examination. "It's still being examined and developed," said Riko to VOI, Monday, July 13.
The HH when secured was not wearing clothes. Meanwhile, the men are still wearing clothes. Both are suspected of being involved in an online prostitution network.
From the results of the examination, HH was involved in an online prostitution network marketed by a pimp.
However, until now the police have not determined the legal status of the HH artist as a victim or suspect. This is because until now the police are still investigating this case.
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