MEDAN - The Medan City Government targets the poverty rate at the end of 2021 to decrease by 0.12 percent, from 8.1 percent in 2020 to 7.98 percent by the end of 2021. With the efforts that have been made in various sectors, the Medan City Government is optimistic about the target. it will be achieved.

"Efforts have been made in poverty alleviation such as assistance and scholarships for poor students so as not to drop out of school, skills training and assistance for the underprivileged, providing food intake assistance for food insecure families and free health insurance for underprivileged families," said the mayor. Medan Bobby Nasution delivered by the Deputy Mayor of Medan Aulia Rachman in the plenary session of the Medan DPRD, Monday, September 20.

In a plenary session chaired by the Chairman of the Medan DPRD Hasyim and attended by the Deputy Chair of the DPRD and a number of members of the Medan DPRD, the Deputy Mayor of Medan also gave answers to the General View of the PDI-P Faction related to the strategies and steps taken by the Medan City Government to maintain the pace of economic growth.

Aulia Rachman explained that as quoted from the information from the Medan City Government Kominfo Service, the Medan City Government's steps and strategies to keep the pace of economic growth back to normal.

In addition, priorities are made to overcome unemployment, among others, by increasing training activities in the field of improving human resources and employment, both formal and informal. This can be done through collaboration with the Center for the Development of Manpower Training (BBPLK) to create a Skill Development Center (SDC).

"The strategy adopted is to establish a talent hub which will be a solution to create opportunities for independent workers with entrepreneurship. In addition, creative hubs will also be carried out to identify potential in the region so that it will encourage people's creativity. Meanwhile, to overcome the inflation rate is to implement cheap markets in 21 sub-districts to be able to control prices and also ensure the goods needed by the community," said Aulia Rachman.

Meanwhile, to optimize the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccine and the availability of vaccines, Aulia Rachman explained that the Medan City Government continues to coordinate with the Ministry of Health to obtain vaccine allocations. Because currently the Medan City Government continues to aggressively carry out vaccinations in all health centers in the city of Medan

"In the context of controlling the spread and handling of Covid-19 patients, a 3T (Test-Tracing-Treatment) program has been carried out which also involves the TNI-POLRI. In addition, the Medan City Government has also provided three centralized locations, namely the P4TK building, Sochi hotel, and KM. Bukit Raya where services for centralized isolation are provided free of charge," said Aulia Rachman in response to the PDI-P Faction's General View.

Furthermore, responding to the General View of the Gerindra Party Faction, related to the steps for realizing PAD, Aulia Rachman revealed that the decline in revenue from the regional tax sector occurred throughout the year while the COVID-19 pandemic was still going on.

This condition has had an economic impact on the business economy regarding the eradication of business operating hours followed by the closure of entertainment venues, resulting in a drastic decrease in the income turnover of business actors.

"The Medan City Government has steps to increase PAD, including adding service options to provide convenience for taxpayers in making local tax payments. In addition, carrying out data collection on taxpayers and types of businesses that are objects of regional taxes by forming an acceleration team to increase the optimization of regional income. "said Deputy Mayor of Medan Aulia Rachman.

In addition, Aulia Rachman added that the Medan City Government will also provide business assistance to MSMEs, in handling economic impacts by using unexpected expenditure funds for the 2021 fiscal year amounting to Rp11 billion.

"Currently, there are 150 MSME actors registered in the E-catalog, which are planned to be given business assistance of IDR 2,500,000 per MSME. In addition, assistance will also be given to MSME actors who have gone through the selection process for KUR products of IDR 750,000 per MSME," added Aulia Rachman.

Furthermore, Aulia Rachman explained related to road infrastructure and flood management.

According to him, the road paving work for the 2021 fiscal year has planned for handling 34.7 km long and handling 3.26 km sidewalks and 12 bridges. Where several road and drainage sections have been signed and work will continue to be carried out according to the plan.

"For flood management, the Medan City Government currently has full support from the central ministry through the Sumatra II River Area Hall (BWSS) II to design the normalization of all rivers in the city of Medan. Where the Provincial Government contributes to the flood management process by making Larap (Land Acquisition And Resettlement Action) Plan), which is currently being designed for flood management in the Deli River, Babura River and Bedera River as well as Belawan ROB," said Aulia Rachman.

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