JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) of the South Konawe Climatology Station (Konsel) of Southeast Sulawesi, predicts the rainy season in the region will start from October to November 2021.

Head of BMKG South Konawe Climatology Station, Aris Yunatas explained, the area that experienced the rainy season the earliest was the ZOM 311 area (Northern Kolaka and Bombana).

Furthermore, ZOM 312 (southern East Kalimantan, southern Konawe, northern Konut and northern Konsel) the beginning of the rainy season occurred at the end of November, ZOM 313 (Kendari, Konkep, southern Konsel and southern Bombana) at the end of November.

While ZOM 314 (Muna, Mubar and Kabaena) rainy season will occur in early December, and ZOM 315 (Baubau, Buton, Busel, Butur, Muna mainland Buton and Wakatobi) in early December.

"The beginning of our rainy season for this year is progressing because there is a La Nina phenomenon at the end of the year, so this is our concern," said Aris Yunatas as reported by Antara, Monday, September 20.

Meanwhile, Senior Forecaster BMKG Climatology Station South Konawe Siti Risnayah explained, the rainy season that will occur at the end of 2021 will be accompanied by high rainfall, strong winds and lightning. This can potentially cause hurricanes, floods and landslides.

"The flood-prone areas of Southeast Sulawesi are in the North Konawe area, parts of North Kolaka, South Konawe, North Konawe, North Buton and Kendari City, all of which are flood-prone areas," explained Siti Risnayah. to be aware of the arrival of the rainy season, especially when accompanied by the Lanina phenomenon. One thing that needs to be considered is increasing disaster preparedness, cleaning drainage and pruning rotten trees.

Fishermen who will go to sea are also encouraged to set a fishing schedule by adjusting the location of the catch and paying attention to the latest weather information.

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