JAKARTA - The batch IV pre-employment card program was postponed for several reasons, one of which was the backlog, which resulted in a build-up. However, now the government will re-open the registration for this program at the end of July.

Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Susiwijono Moegiarso, signaled that the registration of the semi-social assistance (bansos) program will soon be opened and run together, with new regulatory tools that are much better than governance and accountability.

"We also hope that batch IV will be opened soon at the end of July. Hopefully the quota is up to 500 thousand participants. Then priority will also be given to affected workers who have been given a whitelist from the Ministry of Manpower," he said at a Press Conference on Perpres 76. / 2020 at Ali Wardhana Building, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Jakarta, Monday, July 13.

Susiwijono said that apart from job seekers, the Pre-Employment Card is also given to workers / laborers who have been laid off (PHK) and workers / laborers who need to improve work competence, including workers / laborers who are sent home and workers who do not receive wages, including micro business actors. and small.

The pre-employment card, continued Susiwijono, has experienced a shift in function from its original purpose as a program for job seekers to improve their skills. Currently, the Pre-Work Card also functions as an instrument for the distribution of social assistance.

The man who is familiarly called Susi explained that in line with the issuance of Presidential Decree Number 76 of 2020 which is the result of the revision of Presidential Decree 36 of 20202, the government wants the program, this Pre-Work Card to be right on target. So that the regulation must be more mature. Of course, it must be adapted to the current pandemic conditions.

"With this Presidential Decree, we hope that the implementation of the program can run smoothly, because the next waves have been eagerly awaited by the prospective pre-employment card program participants," he said.

On the same occasion, Chairman of the Implementation Team of the Job Creation Committee Rudy Salahudin said the registration for batch IV was opened after the Executive Management (PMO) pre-employment cards received the verification results of the implementation of batches I to III which was being carried out by the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP). After obtaining the verification results, the government will pay the training institute.

Currently, said Rudy, the government has completed implementing pre-work batches I to III. However, the government decided to postpone the opening of batch IV several times. One of them is because PMO wants to evaluate the registration, selection, and assignment process for pre-employment participants by considering input from government and community supervisory agencies.

"The opening of batch IV is back after obtaining the results of verification related to the implementation of batches I to III for payments to training institutions by the BPKP," he explained.

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