MEDAN - The amount of wealth of state officials has recently been in the spotlight. This is in line with the publication of the KPK on the wealth reports of state officials.

Some officials recorded an increase in assets. However, some officials also experienced a decrease in assets.

One of the officials who experienced a decrease in assets was the Governor of North Sumatra (Gubsu) Edy Rahmayadi. Based on a report on the KPK's e-LHKPN page, it was stated that Edy Rahmayadi's assets were reduced by Rp. 8.2 billion.

On the page it is stated that Gubsu Edy's assets in 2018 amounted to Rp. 23.6 billion. A year later, in 2019 Governor Edy again reported his wealth. In the report, Gubsu Edy's assets fell to Rp. 16.7 billion.

In LHKPN 2020, Gubsu Edy's assets were again reduced to Rp. 15.3 billion. This means that since Governor Edy reported his wealth in 2018, his wealth has decreased by Rp. 8.2 billion.

Regarding the reduced assets, the former Kostrad Commander said it was to cover the needs of his life and that of his family.

"That's what I need in my life, my children go to school, go to college. I need the money," he told reporters in Medan, Monday, September 20.

Governor Edy revealed, the necessities of life are indeed great. Meanwhile, his income only relies on the salary he gets as the Governor of North Sumatra, which is Rp. 9 million per month. This causes his wealth to decrease.

"There is no more income, my salary is only IDR 9 million," he said.

The condition experienced by Governor Edy Rahmayadi is inversely proportional to his deputy, Musa Rajekshah (Ijeck). Based on the KPK's e-LHKPN page, it stated that there was an addition of Rp. 39.7 billion in assets.

According to Governor Edy, this is because his representative is indeed a person who is in the business field.

"He's a business person, don't equate business people. You (I) are not in business, just spend it," said Edy.

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