JAKARTA - Former Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Roy Suryo revealed the real identity of social media activist, Mazdjo Pray who was reported in the alleged defamation case. Mazdjo Pray's real identity is Yuari Prayanto.

"I will at the same time reveal my identity because so far it turns out that the one who did the initials MP was taking it easy because he was indeed using an alias or a fake name," said Roy Suryo at the Polda Metro Jaya, Monday, September 20.

The identity of Mazdjo Pray was revealed after information was obtained that he was involved in a case at the Tangerang District Court in 2018. In which, Mazdjo Pray or Yuari Prayanto was found guilty.

"There was a District Court decision in Tangerang in 2018 in which Yuari's brother was found guilty and had to pay compensation to his partner," said Roy.

In fact, Roy suspected that the case was closely related to the change in the identity of the man he reported. Yuari Prayanto is suspected of changing his name to Mazdjo Pray in order to eliminate a bad image.

"Because he is a defendant, it is possible for him to change his name to MP," said Roy.

On the other hand, Roy said that by knowing the real identity of Mazdjo Pray, his party immediately coordinated with the police. The goal is that if the suspect is later determined there will be no mistakes.

"Because my report at Polda Metro was mentioned by the name of MP, we will revise it. Let's not get the wrong person or wrongful arrest because MP or Mazdjo Pray is the brother of defendant Yuari Prayanto who has been tried in the district court," said Roy.

Roy Suryo officially reported two social media activists, Eko Kuntadhi and Mazdjo Pray, to Polda Metro Jaya. Both were reported on suspicion of defamation.

The report has been registered with the number LP/B/2865/VI/2021/SPKT/Polda Metro Jaya. This report was made because the two social media activists made videos that were uploaded to the 2045 TV Youtube account.

Where, the video contains the problem of a traffic accident between Roy Suryo and Lucky Alamsyah. Not only that, Roy also mentioned that the two social media activists had mentioned the issue of procurement of goods at the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

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