SUKABUMI - A family consisting of three people drowned on Sunday at Palabuhanratu Beach, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, precisely on Kebon Kalapa Citepus Beach, resulting in one missing victim.

The three victims are known to be Enar Sunardi (41), Putri Rahayu (13) and Dias Sandriah (12) who are all residents of Sukajadi Village, RT 04/10, Cibadak Village/Sub-district, Sukabumi Regency. Of the three victims, two of them were rescued, namely Enar and Putri, while Dias has yet to be found.

"Two survivors have been evacuated, but one of them, namely Putri experienced shortness of breath allegedly due to drinking too much sea water and is currently undergoing treatment at the Palabuhanratu Hospital, while Dias is still being searched," said the Head of the Regional SAR Communication Forum (FKSD) Sukabumi Regency Okih Fajri quoting Antara, Sunday 19 September.

The information gathered, before the incident occurred, the three victims were doing activities on the beach in Citepus Village, Palabuhanratu District. Actually, the coast guard officers have put up signs to prevent swimming because the currents and waves are quite high.

The princess, who was thought to be too engrossed in playing in the sea, suddenly came with high waves and hit her body and dragged her into the middle of the sea. Dias and Enar who are father and son spontaneously provide help to Putri who screams for help.

This father and son managed to save Putri, but unfortunately for Dias, after saving his family, he drowned and until Sunday night his fate was unknown.

A traveling merchant who happened to be at the location, saw a drowning tourist immediately asked the coast guard for help and soon the joint SAR team personnel arrived at the location to conduct a search.

Putri, who was almost unconscious, was evacuated ashore by the coast guard and immediately rushed to the Palabuhanratu Hospital because she was experiencing shortness of breath and is still traumatized by the recent incident that happened to her and her family.

"Initially I saw that a girl almost drowned who was being helped by two men, one child and another adult whose information was father and son. After the girl was rescued, the boy who initially helped drowned, "said Ade is a traveling merchant who witnessed the sea accident.

Meanwhile, Sukabumi Police Chief of Police, AKP Tri Andri Affandi, said that it was already evening and the tides and currents were rising, so the search was postponed.

However, the joint SAR team is still on standby in the vicinity of the incident location to monitor sea conditions, which does not rule out the possibility of the victim's body rising to the surface so that it can be immediately evacuated.

"The characteristics of the victim are tan skin, short hair and at the time of the incident he was wearing a gray T-shirt and pants," he said.

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