MAJALENGKA – The Majalengka Police Traffic Unit, West Java, has implemented an odd-even traffic engineering system at Paragliding Tourism Object to limit the surge in tourists.
"We apply odd-even measures to anticipate the number of people traveling," said KBO then Majalengka Police Ipda Toni Margianto in Majalengka, Sunday, September 19.
He said the blocking for the odd-even system was carried out on the road to the entrance to the Paragliding Tourism Object, Sidamukti Village, Majalengka District, Majalengka Regency.
According to him, the system was implemented starting at 08.00 WIB until 17.00 WIB to anticipate the overflow of visitors to the tourist attraction.
One by one, visitors' vehicles to Paragliding Tour, continued Toni, had their license plates checked by joint officers from the Majalengka Police, Transportation Service, and Satpol PP.
"For the time being, the location of the most vulnerable study is in Paragliding, so for now the odd-even application is only in Paragliding," he said.
Toni said that visitors' vehicles with odd number plates can only pass on odd days. Likewise, even plate vehicles can only pass on even dates.
Toni explained the implementation of the odd-even system to anticipate a surge in tourists after PPKM in Majalengka dropped to level 2. The implementation of the odd-even system in other locations is still waiting for the results of the study and evaluation.
"For other locations, it has not been implemented, but later we will see a study if it is really crowded and needs to be odd or even," he said.
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