JAKARTA - The government should make the COVID-19 rapid test free for the less fortunate. This is because the government regulation through the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), which sets a rapid test price of IDR 150 thousand, is still considered burdensome for some people.

"With the new normal concept that continues to be promoted, the public's need for a COVID-19-free certificate as a condition for traveling by public transportation is certainly higher. Pity if the people cannot mobility because the costs are expensive," said Member of Commission IX DPR RI Netty Prasetiyani quoted from PR. .go.id, Monday, July 13.

That way, the free rapid test will ease the burden on the community and underprivileged employees who want to return to work on conditions that are free from COVID-19. Moreover, the company does not finance the test. So this will certainly be very helpful.

On the other hand, he also asked the government to increase the implementation of rapid tests at health service centers. "Efforts to control rapid test rates must be followed by intensifying supervision so that the test kits are truly valid, accurate and of quality. Ensure the accuracy of the test equipment and materials and must be carried out by health workers," he said.

Then, the government must also pay attention to other costs incurred by health facilities, in line with the price for rapid tests.

"The government should subsidize the excess costs incurred by health facilities. Then the government must also ensure the availability of test kits at affordable prices and valid results to reduce costs. If there is good domestic production, why should you use imported ones?", He said.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health officially issued a regulation regarding the maximum limit of independent rapid test antibody examinations of IDR 150 thousand. The regulation is set forth in a circular number HK.02.02 / I / 2875/2020.

Director General of Health Services of the Ministry of Health, Bambang Wibowo, said that this rule was made because rapid test prices varied, and made the public confused. With this rule, society will not be confused and can prevent certain individuals from seeking profit.

"The varying prices for carrying out the rapid test cause confusion in the community. Therefore, the government's participation in the antibody rapid test is needed so that people do not feel that they are being used for profit," Bambang said in a circular quoted by VOI, Tuesday, July 7 evening.

Then, the examination may only be carried out by competent health workers who come from health service facilities.

At the last point, it contains notification to all health facilities to follow tariff limits. "So that health service facilities or parties providing antibody rapid test examination services can comply with the highest tariff limits set," said a circular.

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