JAKARTA - Three names are predicted to be able to compete tightly in the DKI Jakarta Regional Head election in 2024. In addition to DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, the Jakarta Research Center (JRC) Survey also stated that Social Minister Tri Rismaharini and Deputy Governor Ahmad Riza Patria have the potential to compete and fight. in the 2024 DKI Jakarta Pilkada.

According to JRC Communications Director Alfian P., in Jakarta, Saturday, September 18, Risma has an electability of 35.5 percent. While Anies Baswedan reached 28 percent and Ahmad Riza Patria or Ariza about 10.6 percent. "The figure of Riza Patria can be a dark horse as a candidate for governor," said Alfian, as quoted by Antara.

Alfian revealed that Ariza has the potential to become a tough competitor for Risma and Anies because the electability of the Gerindra politician is only 2.8 percent in April 2021. But now it has risen to 10.6 percent or the top three positions in September 2021.

Alfian said, the top five names who entered as strong candidates in the 2024 DKI Pilkada, only Ariza who experienced a significant increase in electability.

Meanwhile, Risma and Anies despite being in the top two positions, their electability decreased, namely Risma from 37.1 percent to 35.5 percent and Anies from 32.4 percent slumped to below 30 percent.

In addition to the three names, the General Chair of the Democrats, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, also occupies the fourth position with electability dropping from 7.8 percent to 5.6 percent. Meanwhile, the Minister of Tourism Sandiaga Uno in fifth position also dropped from 4.9 percent to 3.1 percent.

Alfian stated that the five strong stock exchange candidates had backgrounds as regional heads, but Ariza excelled as Chair of the DPD Gerindra DKI Jakarta.

"Ariza has a long experience in electoral contests, twice won a seat as a member of the DPR, and is supported by the Gerindra political machine," said Alfian.

Alfian said Ariza was a figure to be reckoned with to lead Jakarta in the future, because he appeared more elegant in political communication by always being present at meetings with the DPRD.

"Ariza often has a different attitude with Anies, regarding the handling of COVID-19, the ban on skate boards on the sidewalks, bringing relatives after going home and closing Holywings," said Alfian.

Other names included in the Jakarta cagub exchange are young politician from the Indonesian Solidarity Party Tsamara Amany Alatas (1.8 percent), Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka (1.5 percent), Bogor Mayor Bima Arya (1.3 percent). and Tangerang Regent Ahmed Zaki Iskandar (1.3 percent).

Furthermore, members of the House of Representatives from NasDem Ahmad Sahroni (1.0 percent), Betawi politician Abraham Lunggana or Haji Lulung (0.8 percent), PAN comedian and politician Eko Patrio (0.5 percent) and former PKS politician who now leads the Gelora Party. , Triwisaksana (0.3 percent).

JRC conducted a face-to-face survey to 800 respondents representing all areas in DKI Jakarta using a survey method (multistage random sampling), having a "margin of error" of 3.4 percent, and a confidence level of 95 percent on 7-14 September 2021.

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